What does N4 stand for?

“N4” stands for “National Certificate (N4),” which is part of the National Technical Education (NATED) or N Courses offered by Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. These qualifications are designed to provide both theoretical and practical learning in various technical and vocational fields.

The NATED program is structured into N4, N5, and N6 levels, each typically completed in 6 months, leading to a National Certificate at each level. After completing the N6 level and gaining relevant work experience of 18-24 months, students can apply for a National Diploma in their specific field.

The N4 certificate serves as an entry-level qualification into more specialized or advanced studies and is recognized for admission into certain diploma and higher certificate programs at universities and colleges, including UniSA (University of South Africa), particularly in fields related to the area of study completed at the N4 level.